Location: Oakland California
Identities: Queer pervert, geek, slut, sex scientist, entrepreneur
What makes you queer? At some point I realized that everything I’d been told about gender is bullshit, and I just get off on sharing orgasms with people.
How has queer porn changed your life? My greatest fear in life was always that I would end up boring and mediocre. I grew up knowing that I had a lot of privilege, and I always felt terribly depressed by the idea that I would probably use it all to get myself a steady job which I would perform satisfactorily until I died. Queer porn gives me another identity. It allows me to do something I love, create something I feel needs to exist, and help to change an industry that I’ve always thought could be better. And I’m not living a boring life.
Pitch your life as a reality tv show. In the pilot the audience is introduced to a clean cut straight white nerdy physics grad student who comes to the bay area to do fancy nanotech research and meets a beautiful activist pornstar. The second season is about the two of them living in a tent in Haiti together doing volunteer manual labor for a month. By Season 4, the guy is also a queer pornstar, they’ve started their own porn site, and he’s embedding physiological measurement equipment into buttplugs. Beats real housewives, right?
Dish about a hot exhibitionist experience: I was newly single in Barcelona, and I found myself having sex with a future partner under the Arc de Triomf. The full moon made it easy for a steady stream of drunken revellers to watch and comment, but the ease and grace with which they accepted our sexual presence made it feel like a citywide play party. I loved Barcelona.
What are your favorite sex toys? I love the hitachi magic wand. People seem confused by the very fact that a cis-man even can get off with a hitachi, but if you just treat the head of your cock like a clit it works brilliantly. I also love njoy toys, tenga eggs/sleeves, and the “deuce” harness from spareparts.
Tell us about your first QPTV scene. This scene was an amazing experience. It was the first time Maggie and I got a chance to do a full scene together as the focus of a shoot. The communication skills and chemistry from our relationship made it possible to do for the camera what I always want to while I’m performing. I hope that the intensity we felt comes across to the viewers. Few people ever get a chance to be paid to do what they love so literally. Shooting this scene is what convinced Maggie and me to jump in and start our own site.
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