In another break out directorial contribution from our resident video grrrl cocopop, our annual San Franciso Dyke March porn tradition is made iconic in this year’s explosive episode! “I finally met Drew Deveaux that day at Dyke March. It was like a mythic creature came in and sat down on the grass beside us,” says cocopop of the experience shooting with the adult industry’s brightest trans dyke porn star. While Lana Wachowski filmed a documentary less than 100 feet away from us, Drew & Andre solidified their growing love and lust in this powerful, public, and political porn scene. “Cis On My Face / Trans Girls Are Sexy” is a public display of affection that everyone needs to see – which is why we shot it in open daylight, in the middle of the mass of lesbians and queers who congregate at Delores Park during Pride every year. See you in 2015, and catch us if you can!
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